Places to see


When in Kumlinge there are a couple of places you just have to visit:


Monument of the Kumlinge battle, Kumlinge
This stone is on the hill next to the pharmacy. It was risen to commemorate the battle of Kumlinge when in 1808 a few hundred Kumlingers fought off a Russian troop right on the fields beneath the monument.



Hermas Museigård, Enklinge
This old farm is a living museum of how archipelago inhabitants lived hundred years ago. All buildings are original and the interior is also kept as it was. Contact the farm beforehand if you want a guided tour, +358 40 559 55 62. The farm is open 18.6-4.8.2024 every day 10-16.



In June Midsummers eve is celebrated all over Åland. Every village has its own distinct maypole. The poles remain in place during all summer, making its decorations wither away along with summer. 
